The KZN Specialist Network Antibiotic Stewardship Initiative (KZNSN ASI)

The KZN Specialist Network launched its Antibiotic Stewardship Initiative in 2012 and together with the relevant stakeholders from major hospitals in KZN, we look to ensure responsible and effective antibiotic usage.

A central committee with representatives from the KZN Specialist Network, the Department of Health, medical specialists, private laboratories, private hospitals, hospital managers, nurses and pharmacists have been imperative for the success and sustainability of this programme.


KZN specialists embrace internationally and national objectives outlined in antibiotic stewardship programmes. The achievement of better control of microbiological data and appropriate antibiotic usage is one that requires no further debate.

Implementation of goals must require a unified response from all role players in KZN.


  1. To provide leadership to strengthen antibiotic stewardship programmes in KZN.
  2. It will co-ordinate training programmes and meetings to achieve responsible antibiotic usage in KZN.
  3. It will highlight currently acceptable international, national and regional guidelines for existing diseases.
  4. It will assist in the development of guidelines for the management of new diseases.
  5. It will undertake to collate and analyze data to provide regional guidelines.
  6. It will seek to establish a cordial and mutually beneficial relationship with the University of KZN and KZN Department of Health to assist and seek assistance regarding antibiotic issues.


  1. The objective use of microbiological tests to guide antibiotic usage.
  2. To design programmes that will limit the development of multi drug resistant organisms.
  3. To design strategies that will provide good governance in the use of antibiotics in KZN – duration, dose and therapeutic drug monitoring.

The Committee

A steering committee will be formed comprising participants from both the public and private health facilities in KZN. The committee should consist of adequate representation of infectious disease specialists, intensivists, microbiologists and pharmacists.

  1. The committee will bi-annually elect a chairman and a secretary and will have the ability to co-opt as many members as it requires facilitating its goals.
  2. This committee will meet monthly to strategize and develop programmes designed to meet its goals and objectives.
  3. Minutes of these meetings will be available to all specialists on demand.
  4. This committee will convene a general meeting once every three months at which all concerned specialists will be invited.
  5. This committee will be allowed to enhance its aims and objectives by interacting with hospital groups and pharmaceutical companies.

Interaction with other committees/ Stakeholders

  1. This committee will seek to engage with the SAASP working group as well as other antibiotic stewardship programmes in KZN to establish common goals and to help facilitate common objectives.
  2. This committee will seek to nominate individuals onto existing antibiotic stewardship programmes and will initiate stewardship programmes as required in order to involve itself with responsible evaluation and antibiotic usage at all hospitals in KZN.
  3. This committee will engage with Department of Health to enhance co-operation between public and health services in KZN.
  4. If needed the committee will engage any other healthcare stakeholders including funders and hospital groups to achieve the desired objectives set out earlier.